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News update

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December 2016

New contracts

Contract for the modernisation of a space surveillance system

22/12/2016 - News update - France
Degreane Horizon (VINCI Energies International & Systems), together with ONERA (French national office for aerospace studies and research), has won the contract to renovate the French space surveillance system (GRAVES) on behalf of the French defence procurement authority (DGA).

End of the Wheatstone project

22/12/2016 - News update - Australia
On 22 December 2016, the joint venture notably comprising Entrepose Contracting and VINCI Construction Grands Projets was issued the final acceptance certificate by the client Bechtel – representing oil company Chevron – for the Wheatstone project.

Inauguration of new Chambéry hospital

22/12/2016 - News update - France
On 22 December 2016, French president François Hollande inaugurated the new hospital in Chambéry (south-east France) in the presence, notably, of Michel Dantin, the city’s mayor.

VINCI 2017 Innovation Awards: Collective innovation

21/12/2016 - News update - France
VINCI, which has for many years given priority to collaborative innovation, organises the VINCI Innovation Awards every two years. The competition is designed to showcase and speed up application of initiatives implemented by its employees on the ground. For the 2015 edition, a first student innovation challenge was organised in parallel with the in-house participative innovation programme. This year, for the first time, the VINCI Innovation Awards competition is open to students (and recent graduates) from all over the world, who are invited to set up teams and innovate for the city of tomorrow.
Projects update and handover

Completion of works on the D8

17/12/2016 - News update - Czech Republic
On 17 December 2016, Eurovia CS completed the construction of the final section of the D8 between Lovosice and Řehlovice. It was inaugurated on the same day.

VINCI sponsors France-Colombia Year 2017

16/12/2016 - News update - Colombia
The ceremony kicking off France-Colombia Year 2017, which includes VINCI among its sponsors, took place on 16 December 2016 in Bogotá’s Bolívar Square, in the presence of French foreign affairs minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and Bogotá mayor Enrique Peñalosa.
New contracts

Property development contract for a 5-star hotel in Paris

13/12/2016 - News update - France
VINCI Immobilier’s hotels division signed a property development contract with the Ascott Group on 21 November 2016, for the transformation of an office complex in the 8th arrondissement of Paris into a 5-star hotel, named the La Clef Champs Elysées – Paris.

Ohio River Bridges – East End Crossing earns award for its sustainable management

08/12/2016 - News update - United States of America
Envision™ Platinum certification was awarded in November 2016 to the Ohio River Bridges – East End Crossing project for its sustainable management and rewarded the efforts and dedication of the teams involved.

Launch of the intelligent and connected window “Horizon”

06/12/2016 - News update - France
VINCI Construction and Sunpartner Technologies, a French specialist in the field of solar innovation, announce the creation of a 50/50 joint venture and launch “Horizon”, an intelligent and connected window.
Projects update and handover

Renovation of the tramway in Nantes

01/12/2016 - News update - France
Over the summer of 2016, the Nantes sector of ETF (Eurovia) renewed the tracks of the Nantes (west of France) tramway on Place du Commerce, the city’s busiest traffic area.
Projects update and handover

New-generation wildlife crossing

01/12/2016 - News update - France
To the south of Tours (central France), on the A10, teams from VINCI Construction Terrassement have designed and built a new-generation crossing for large fauna on behalf of VINCI Autoroutes.
Projects update and handover

Refurbishment of an alpine motorway

01/12/2016 - News update - France
A joint venture formed by Eurovia’s Grenoble (leader) and Chambéry offices has renewed the surface of the A41S – known as “l’Alpine” – between Crolles and Le Touvet (south-east France), on behalf of AREA (the local highways operating company).
Projects update and handover

Rehabilitation of a railway viaduct in the Yvelines department

01/12/2016 - News update - France
A VINCI joint venture notably comprising GTM TP Île-de-France, CMC, Freyssinet, ETF (Eurovia), Soletanche Bachy Pieux and Soletanche Bachy France is preparing to start rehabilitating the viaduct in Marly-le-Roi, in the Paris region, for the SNCF.
Projects update and handover

Building a bridge in New Caledonia

01/12/2016 - News update - France
Near Touho, on the north-east coast of New Caledonia, a VINCI Construction Dom-Tom joint venture composed of Dumez GTM Calédonie, Fondacal and Nord Equipement is currently building the Grand Kokingone Bridge, a 74 m-long girder bridge with an embedded deck.
New contracts

Four-star hotel in Bordeaux

01/12/2016 - News update - France
VINCI Immobilier and ANF Immobilier signed an agreement on 29 September 2016 for the off-plan sale of a four-star hotel in Bordeaux (west of France), located in the new Armagnac business district, near the future HSL station.
Projects update and handover

Installation of noise barriers on the A63

01/12/2016 - News update - France
On the project to widen the A63 between Biriatou and Biarritz (south-west France), to protect local residents from the noise pollution associated with heavy traffic, teams from VINCI Construction Terrassement are creating, on a 20-km section, 50,000 sq. metres of noise barriers (between 1.5 and 6 m in height).

VINCI Energies invests in augmented reality

01/12/2016 - News update - Austria
VINCI Energies has taken a minority stake in the Austrian company Augmensys, which specialises in augmented reality for use in the industry.
Projects update and handover

Building homes in Guiana

01/12/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Installing a pipe on a cliffside

01/12/2016 - News update - France
Sudeau and the community authorities in the south of Reunion Island (CASUD) have awarded Sogea Réunion (VINCI Construction Dom-Tom) the contract to replace a 1,100 m-long section of the Pont du Diable penstock pipe.
Projects update and handover

Electrical installations for the IOC’s new headquarters

01/12/2016 - News update - Switzerland
ETAVIS TSA SA, a VINCI Energies Europe business unit, is carrying out the high- and low-voltage electrical installation works at the new headquarters of the International Olympic Committee.
Projects update and handover

Linking tram and train tracks

01/12/2016 - News update - Germany
Eurovia Germany’s Leipzig and Dresden offices are working on a project to group together tramway and railway tracks in Chemnitz (Saxony), the aim being to create direct links between the city and its outskirts.
Projects update and handover

Irrigation of a rice-growing area

01/12/2016 - News update - Kenya
Sogea-Satom (VINCI Construction International Network) has just been awarded the Mwea Irrigation Development Project, which aims to double annual production on 7,200 hectares of existing rice fields, by the National Irrigation Board.

November 2016

Projects update and handover

Chernobyl confinement: Unique worldwide

29/11/2016 - News update - Ukraine
In 1986, an accident at Chernobyl nuclear power station released radioactive dust into the air, which contaminated the area north of Kiev (Ukraine) and then spread across Europe. In November 2016, a new confinement arch – which will envelop reactor
4 and the dismantling work on it – is sliding into its final position. This project is unique worldwide, was led by two French groups – VINCI Construction and Bouygues Construction – and cost €1.5 billion.

New infrastructure for the Chambéry and Grenoble airports

26/11/2016 - News update - France
The Chambéry Savoie and Grenoble Isère airports, operated by VINCI Airports, have both inaugurated new infrastructure within their platforms, on 25 and 26 November 2016 respectively.

Opening and inauguration of the Borne Romaine Tunnel

18/11/2016 - News update - France
After three years of works, the Borne Romaine Tunnel, on the A8 motorway, was inaugurated on 17 November 2016 by Adolphe Colrat, prefect of the Alpes-Maritimes department and Pierre Coppey, chairman of VINCI Autoroutes, in the presence of many leading local figures, including Christian Estrosi, chairman of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and chairman of the Nice-Côte d’Azur metropolis.
New contracts

PPP for a port extension

18/11/2016 - News update - France
Ceteau-Céans, a project company composed of VINCI Construction France and VINCI Construction Terrassement, signed a public-private partnership agreement on 18 November 2016 with the Charente-Maritime department for the financing, design & planning, construction and maintenance and renewal works relating to a port extension at the fishing port of La Cotinière, on the island of Oléron.
Projects update and handover

Renovation of the RN4 now complete

08/11/2016 - News update - France
The Bar-le-Duc sector of Eurovia’s Champagne-Ardenne - Vitry - Saint-Dizier office has finished its renovation of the RN4 trunk road, in the Meuse department (east of France), on which teams have been working since 2013.
Projects update and handover

Construction of a maritime hub in New Zealand

04/11/2016 - News update - New-Zealand
HEB Construction (VINCI Construction International Network) has started work at the site of the future maritime hub in Tauranga, in the Bay of Plenty, in the north of New Zealand.
Projects update and handover

Embankment for a nuclear site

01/11/2016 - News update - France
At Marcoule (south of France), on behalf of the CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission), Eurovia Méditerranée’s Nîmes office is completing, after two years of works, the external works for a building for the storage of nuclear waste.
Projects update and handover

Redevelopment of a toll plaza

01/11/2016 - News update - France
On the A81 motorway near La Gravelle (north-western France), Eurovia Béton is redeveloping a toll plaza for the Cofiroute network (VINCI Autoroutes), rebuilding 20 “islands” and creating the underground tunnel for the free flow toll lanes.
Projects update and handover

Two decks for Petit-Lay viaduct

01/11/2016 - News update - France
Following the construction of the supports in 2015, in summer 2016 Eurovia Béton handed over the two decks of the Petit-Lay viaduct over a 25 m-deep valley on the RD 949B at Bournezeau (west of France) to the competent departmental authority.
Projects update and handover

Widening the RN 57

01/11/2016 - News update - France
In the east of France, teams from Eurovia’s Bavilliers office (leader) and VINCI Construction Terrassement Centre Alsace Franche-Comté are working on a project for the Haute-Saône department (client and project manager) to provide 2x2 lanes on a 9 km section of the RN57 between Besançon and Vesoul.
Projects update and handover

Removing a dam

01/11/2016 - News update - France
VINCI Construction Terrassement and its subsidiary Navarra TS are once again demonstrating their ecological development expertise during the project to eliminate the Chat-Cros dam, in the Évaux-les-Bains region (central France).
Projects update and handover

New Zealand - Preparatory works for railway tunnels

01/11/2016 - News update - New-Zealand
In a 50/50 joint venture with Downer NZ, Soletanche Bachy International (VINCI Construction) has been awarded a contract by Auckland Transport for preparatory works for the City Rail Link project, i.e. the construction of two underground railway tunnels in the centre of the New Zealand capital.
Projects update and handover

Public spaces in the Nancy Grand Cœur eco-neighbourhood

01/11/2016 - News update - France
Within the framework of a call-off contract, since June 2015 Eurovia’s Ludres office has been carrying out the external works part (roadways, utilities) of the programme to redevelop the public spaces in the Nancy Grand Cœur neighbourhood (east of France).

Car-pooling on the rise on the VINCI Autoroutes network

01/11/2016 - News update - France
During Mobility Week (16 - 22 September 2016), VINCI Autoroutes recalled its commitment to achieving an average occupancy rate of 65% in its car-pooling car parks by the end of 2017.
Projects update and handover

Creating a bus lane

01/11/2016 - News update - France
A joint venture notably comprising STRF’s Boissy-le-Cutté office (leader), Signature Grands Travaux and Chadel, three Eurovia subsidiaries, is currently developing the public spaces in the Grande Borne neighbourhood of Grigny (Paris region) on behalf of the Lacs de l’Essonne conglomeration.

VINCI UK Foundation - Combating exclusion

01/11/2016 - News update - United Kingdom
Foundation Enterprises North West (FENW), an association providing services for homeless people, is the fourth organisation to benefit from support from VINCI Construction UK, via the VINCI UK Foundation.

New marina in Al Hoceïma

01/11/2016 - News update - Morocco
Dumez Maroc (VINCI Construction International Network) has handed over, five months ahead of schedule, the new marina in the port of Al Hoceïma, on the north-east coast of the country.
Projects update and handover

The Bugatti Circuit refurbished in 18 days

01/11/2016 - News update - France
From 10 to 27 October 2016, teams from Eurovia’s Le Mans office were at work renewing the surface of the famous Bugatti Circuit in Le Mans (north-west France), created in 1965; the track, over 4 km in length, had not been totally refurbished since 2004.

Paris Motor Show - VINCI Autoroutes exhibiting

01/11/2016 - News update - France
From 1 - 16 October 2016, VINCI Autoroutes participated in the Paris Motor Show, in order to showcase its various business lines.

October 2016


Inauguration of a water treatment plant in the Ivory Coast

31/10/2016 - News update - Ivory Coast
On 31 October 2016, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, together with his Ivorian counterpart, Daniel Kablan Duncan, and the Ivorian Minister for Infrastructure, Patrick Achi, inaugurated the Songon drinking water treatment plant in Abidjan, built by Sogea-Satom (VINCI Construction International Network).

"In private with VINCI”: individual shareholders get face time with top management

17/10/2016 - News update - France
Once again this year, five individual shareholders slipped behind the scenes at the Group’s head office in Rueil Malmaison for an easy-going exclusive lunch with VINCI’s top management.

Foundation stone laid for adaptable and dynamic Cérès Residence

11/10/2016 - News update - France
On 11 October 2016, in the Andromède eco-neighbourhood of Blagnac (south-west France), VINCI Immobilier laid the foundation stone for the Cérès Residence, a complex comprising 78 apartments and 20 villas.

Three VINCI Group entities sign a partnership agreement with INSA Rennes

06/10/2016 - News update - France
Three VINCI Group entities (VINCI Construction France, Eurovia and VINCI Energies) have signed a first partnership agreement with the INSA Rennes engineering school.

Bringing a new quarry into service in eastern France

04/10/2016 - News update - France
In the Aube department, where one of its major aggregate production sites is scheduled to close, Eurovia has been granted authorisation to operate a loose rock (sand-lime) quarry in the commune of Blignicourt.
Projects update and handover

Horizontal directional drilling under the Loire

01/10/2016 - News update - France
ERDF has awarded HDI (Entrepose/VINCI Construction) and Sogea Nord-Ouest TP (VINCI Construction France), in a joint venture, the creation of a crossing beneath the Loire for two new HV power lines (20,000 volts each) between the communes of Saint-Pierre-des-Corps and Rochecorbon, to the east of Tours (central France).
Projects update and handover

Operation Mixy in Paris

01/10/2016 - News update - France
In the 13th arrondissement of Paris, GTM Bâtiment, a VINCI Construction France subsidiary, is to build, on behalf of VINCI Immobilier, a 7-storey, 12,500 sq. metre office complex, a 185-room hotel and 4, 200 sq. metres of retail space
Projects update and handover

Operation KOSMO: Redevelopment of a property complex

01/10/2016 - News update - France
Petit, a VINCI Construction France subsidiary, has been appointed to implement, on a general contracting basis, and after site clearance and asbestos removal, the Kosmo project in Neuilly-sur-Seine, by Paris.
Projects update and handover

Reconstruction of a motorway service area

01/10/2016 - News update - France
After creating the two Montélimar (southern France) motorway service areas for concessionaire Shell, Eurovia’s Drôme Ardeche office has been awarded the reconstruction of the northern Les Bréguieres service area, on the A8 motorway near Mougins (south of France), which it will undertake in association with Eurovia’s Nice office.

Growth momentum in Oceania

01/10/2016 - News update - New-Zealand
Electrix, J&P Richardson and HEB Construction are some of the recent acquisitions that have given VINCI Energies and VINCI Construction an opportunity to establish a position or extend their networks in New Zealand and Australia. At a time when both countries are investing heavily in infrastructure, VINCI Group entities operating in Oceania are building synergies.

Road rehabilitation in the Black Forest

01/10/2016 - News update - Germany
Over the summer of 2016, Eurovia Germany’s Stuttgart office implemented its biggest-ever “compact asphalt” project (the simultaneous application of two layers in order to avoid heat loss from the surface course), i.e. over a surface area of some 96,000 sq. metres, in the heart of the Black Forest, in the south-west of the country.
Projects update and handover

The A9/A61 fork at Narbonne

01/10/2016 - News update - France
Works aimed at improving safety and traffic flow at the extremely busy fork of the A9 and A61 motorways, managed by VINCI Autoroutes, were launched on 19 September 2016.
Projects update and handover

Water retention structure

01/10/2016 - News update - France
Near Montbrison (central France), VINCI Construction Terrassement began work on the Villeroi hillside dam project in spring 2016.

September 2016


Three VINCI companies among BIM d’Or 2016 winners

19/09/2016 - News update - France
The winners – among 130 competing entries – in the BIM d’Or competition, which honours current best practice in the use of digital models, were announced on 19 September 2016; three Group companies were among the final winners.
Projects update and handover

Work starts on project to widen the A9

19/09/2016 - News update - France
19 September 2016 saw the launch of the works to widen the A9 motorway between Le Boulou (south-west France) and the Spanish border, as part of the French Motorway Plan.

Inauguration of the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge, new world record

01/09/2016 - News update - Turkey
Inaugurated a few days ago, the Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge set a new world record for span length with 1,408-metre. It exceeds the world record previously held by the Russky Island Bridge in Vladivostok, Russia, which has a 1,104 metre central span and is also fitted with Freyssinet cables.

Transport of La Samaritaine waste by river

01/09/2016 - News update - France
As part of its environmental drive, VINCI Construction France will be transporting around 35% of the waste from its La Samaritaine revamp worksite by river before recycling it.
New contracts

Mixed-use development in Bordeaux

01/09/2016 - News update - France
On 1 September 2016, VINCI Immobilier, in a co-promotion with ANF Immobilier, signed five off-plan sale contracts in respect of the mixed-use development project at the Armagnac site in Bordeaux. Ideally located near the future HSL station, this development programme will extend over a surface area of some 43,000 sq. metres.
Projects update and handover

Civil engineering in substations

01/09/2016 - News update - Germany
eams from the new substation division at the Lindow office (Eurovia Germany) are currently working on six substations in eastern Germany, including the substation in Vierraden (Brandenburg), where they are due to supply, by 2018, several hundred concrete foundations, a firewall and two large oil separators as well as roadways and green areas.
New contracts

Overhauling safety infrastructure

01/09/2016 - News update - Canada
Eurovia Québec Grands Projets has won the contract to upgrade the crash barriers on the viaducts located on the A25 motorway near its intersection with the A640, which serves towns in the northern areas of Montreal.
Projects update and handover

Works base for a railway project

01/09/2016 - News update - France
A Eurovia joint venture composed of ETF Grands Projets RFN (leader), ETF Agence Caténaire, EJL IDF Chelles, Cardem Pyro (and Cardem Paris as a subcontractor of ETF) and Flan Terrassement is currently creating a works base in Chelles and Vaires-sur-Marne (Paris region) for the fourth “suite rapide” track-laying train which, as of January 2017, will start implementing the contract awarded to ETF (Eurovia) by SNCF Réseau in September 2015.
Projects update and handover

ITER: Special arrangements on the A51

01/09/2016 - News update - France
In September 2016, VINCI Autoroutes teams were preparing to introduce new arrangements specifically for the passage of a convoy headed for the site of the ITER project, being implemented by VINCI at Cadarache (south of France).

August 2016

Projects update and handover

Redevelopment of waterways on the A63 motorway

19/08/2016 - News update - France
On the A63 motorway widening worksite between Biriatou and Biarritz (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Cognac TP (Eurovia) and VINCI Construction Terrassement are currently completing works to reconnect waterways and improve hydraulic structures.

Digital innovation at the heart of the KALEÏ project

08/08/2016 - News update - France
VINCI Immobilier is starting to market KALEÏ, a mixed-use development in the heart of the 13th arrondissement of Paris that enables future residents to simulate their future consumption and optimise their costs.

Handover of the Beyla-N’Zérékoré road in Guinea-Conakry

07/08/2016 - News update - Guinea
Sogea-Satom (VINCI Construction International Network) has completed its rehabilitation of the 128 km-long road linking Beyla and N’Zérékoré, two large prefectures in the south of the country.

VINCI and Le Corbusier

05/08/2016 - News update - France
UNESCO recently added 17 schemes by Franco-Swiss architect Charles-Edouard Jeanneret-Gris – better known as Le Corbusier – to their list of World Heritage Sites. Here, we take a look at those three that VINCI’s teams have been involved with: the Firminy Unité d’Habitation, the Cité Radieuse in Marseille and the Cité de Refuge in Paris’s 13th Arrondissement.

RCEA: “Environmental Excellence” label for RCEA project

01/08/2016 - News update - France
The Central Europe-Atlantic Road (RCEA), a series of trunk and secondary roads crossing France from east to west, is currently the subject of an upgrading operation being undertaken by a joint venture led by Eurovia’s Chalon-sur-Saône office.
Projects update and handover

Reinforced Earth® walls for the RN 82

01/08/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Viaducts over the Cher

01/08/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Team efforts on construction projects in Guadeloupe

01/08/2016 - News update - France
Dodin Guadeloupe (VINCI Construction Dom-Tom) has just completed the construction, on a general contracting basis, of the new headquarters of the Department for the Environment, Development and Housing in Saint-Phy, in the south of Basse-Terre.
Projects update and handover

Wheatstone project: handover of two storage tanks

01/08/2016 - News update - Australia
In August 2016, Entrepose (VINCI Construction), VINCI Construction Grands Projets and their partner Thiess handed over to their client Bechtel (representing oil company Chevron) two of the four structures making up the project, i.e. a 150,000 cu. metre liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tank and a 120,000 cu. metre condensate reservoir.

July 2016

New contracts

Hotel on Bora Bora

28/07/2016 - News update - French Polynesia
Projects update and handover

Roadworks in Échiré

28/07/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Railway track upgrade

28/07/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Site development works for a ZAC

28/07/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Logistical platform for STEF

28/07/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Rehabilitation of a brownfield site

28/07/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

First high-speed test train on the SEA HSL

28/07/2016 - News update - France
Following the successful powering up of the catenary on 9 June, the first high-speed test train travelled on the tracks of the central section of the SEA HSL (high-speed line) on 25 July 2016.
Projects update and handover

Extending a retail centre

28/07/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Extending a power station

28/07/2016 - News update - Morocco
Projects update and handover

Installation of prefabricated slabs and stay cables on the Ohio River Bridge

28/07/2016 - News update - United States of America
New contracts

Tarmac lighting at Munich Airport

28/07/2016 - News update - Germany
New contracts

Construction of a water treatment plant in Kenya

20/07/2016 - News update - Kenya
Sogea-Satom (VINCI Construction International Network) is to build the Kigoro drinking-water treatment plant in Central Kenya on behalf of Athi Water Service Board (Ministry of Water).
Projects update and handover

Deep dredging at Luzzone

17/07/2016 - News update - Switzerland
Teams from Tournaud/VINCI Construction France began deep dredging works in June at the Luzzone Dam, in Switzerland.
Projects update and handover

VINCI waves the flag for collaborative innovation

12/07/2016 - News update
VINCI embarks on the path of open innovation, through multiple partnerships with the players in its ecosystem – young entrepreneurs in particular. Proposing new services for users of its infrastructure, optimising the performance of its business activities and worksites, or integrating new technology bricks into its business solutions – many challenges await the Group and its entities as they speed up their digital transformation.

VINCI Energies a partner of Viva Technology Paris 2016

05/07/2016 - News update - France
Urban transformation and innovation took pride of place at the “Lab” staged by VINCI Energies, alongside Cisco, at the Viva Technology Paris 2016 event which, over three days, brought together several thousand investors and leaders of innovative companies around startups from all over the world.

June 2016


VINCI Concessions sells its stake in Locorail NV

30/06/2016 - News update - Belgium
On 30 June 2016, VINCI Concessions sold to a co-shareholder its entire stake (25% of the capital) in Locorail NV.
Projects update and handover
Projects update and handover

Redeveloping ports in the Paris region

17/06/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Site development for a ZAC

17/06/2016 - News update - France
New contracts
New contracts

Rehabilitation works for a research centre

17/06/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Renewal of Paris bus shelters

17/06/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Fire protection for an industrial line

17/06/2016 - News update - Belgium
New contracts

Reinforced Earth® walls on Interstate 4

17/06/2016 - News update - United States of America
New contracts

Wick drains in New Orleans

17/06/2016 - News update - United States of America
Projects update and handover

Construction of a water treatment plant

17/06/2016 - News update - Burkina Faso
Projects update and handover

Extending a retail centre in Seine-et-Marne

14/06/2016 - News update - France
A Eurovia joint venture composed of Eurovia Sénart (leader) and EJL Cannes-Écluse is currently implementing the external works (roadways and utilities) and the car park external works works packages of the project to extend, by 30,000 sq. metres, the Carré Sénart retail centre in the Seine-et-Marne department (Paris region).

VINCI and stadiums: on track for Euro 2016!

09/06/2016 - News update - France
To respond to organisation of the UEFA Euro 2016 championship and equip the host cities with high-quality sports and festive venues for decades to come, France has built a new generation of stadiums. Three new stadiums hosting the competition were built by VINCI. Many innovations were introduced around these projects in terms of construction, sustainable development, urban marketing and new business activities.
New contracts

Building student accommodation

01/06/2016 - News update - United Kingdom
New contracts

New contract in Wiltshire

01/06/2016 - News update - United Kingdom
On 1 April 2016, Ringway (Eurovia) officially launched the roadworks part of the new contract awarded by the county of Wiltshire, in south-east England.

Inauguration of a major section of road in Poland

01/06/2016 - News update - Poland
New contracts

Piles for a refinery

01/06/2016 - News update - Poland
Projects update and handover

Foundations for a residential complex

01/06/2016 - News update - Vietnam

A10 Motorway - A major team effort

01/06/2016 - News update - France

May 2016


Inauguration of the Cité du Vin in Bordeaux

31/05/2016 - News update - France
After almost three years of works, the Cité du Vin in Bordeaux (west of France) was inaugurated on 31 May in the presence, notably, of French President François Hollande, Alain Juppé, mayor of Bordeaux, and Hugues Fourmentraux, chairman of VINCI Construction France.

Foundation stone laid for law courts in Poitiers

27/05/2016 - News update - France

Manuel Valls visits Link Building worksite at Paris-Orly

18/05/2016 - News update - France
VINCI raised the first frame at the construction site for the building that will link the South and West terminals at Paris-Orly Airport on 13 May, watched by French Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Augustin de Romanet, Chairman & CEO of the Aéroports de Paris Group, and Xavier Huillard, Chairman & CEO of VINCI.
Projects update and handover

Reconstruction of a bridge in Canada

13/05/2016 - News update - Canada
Projects update and handover

Rehabilitation of Penthémont Abbey, in Paris

13/05/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Construction of the new Orsay conservatoire

09/05/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Modernisation of a pan-European rail corridor

05/05/2016 - News update - Czech Republic
New contracts
Projects update and handover

Eco-neighbourhood in Nord department

01/05/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Civil engineering for wastewater treatment

01/05/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Refurbishment of parking areas at Rennes airport

01/05/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Roof of the new train station in Montpellier

01/05/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Renewing railway track switches

01/05/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

LEED Gold for Euler project

01/05/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Hotel complex on the island of Borneo

01/05/2016 - News update - Malaysia
Projects update and handover

Exit of a TBM

01/05/2016 - News update - United States of America

April 2016

New contracts

The Rendez-vous des Fondations VINCI discusses housing

26/04/2016 - News update - France
The first meeting of the Rendez-vous des Fondations VINCI (Meetings of the VINCI Foundations) took place, attended by about a hundred people, on 26 April in Paris, and focused on the subject of gaining access to and retaining housing.
New contracts
New contracts

Operation Losserand in Paris

25/04/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Civil engineering in Flamanville

22/04/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Superstructure works for La Marseillaise

22/04/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Housing projects in east of France

22/04/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Developing the seafront in Calais

22/04/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Two contracts in New Caledonia

22/04/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover
New contracts

Cutting-edge equipment for TheCamp auditorium

22/04/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Handovers - Teaching hospital in Fort-de-France

22/04/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Maintenance contracts for trunk roads

22/04/2016 - News update - Romania
Projects update and handover

Renovation of a major thoroughfare in Santiago

22/04/2016 - News update - Chile

Inauguration of the Canopée and the Forum des Halles in Paris

05/04/2016 - News update - France
After more than five years of works, the Canopée and the Forum des Halles, the “new heart of Paris”, were inaugurated on 5 April by Anne Hidalgo, mayor of Paris.
New contracts

Entry into service of satellite toll system

01/04/2016 - News update - Belgium

March 2016

Projects update and handover

Confinement shelter for the Chernobyl sarcophagus : dual French engineering for an exceptional project

24/03/2016 - News update - Ukraine
NOVARKA, a 50/50 joint venture formed by VINCI Construction Grands Projets (leader) and Bouygues Travaux Publics, is currently building a new safe confi nement over the Unit 4 reactor at Chernobyl, which exploded on 26 April 1986.

Inauguration of the Phnom Penh and Siem Reap airports extensions

16/03/2016 - News update - Cambodia
The extensions to the Phnom Penh and Siem Reap international airports, managed by VINCI Airports, were inaugurated by the Cambodian Prime Minister at a ceremony on 16 March, at Phnom Penh airport.

Inauguration of the Phnom Penh and Siem Reap airport expansions in Cambodia

15/03/2016 - News update - Cambodia
In Cambodia, where it has operated for 20 years, VINCI works through its subsidiary VINCI Airports to support airport traffic growth driven by economic momentum and tourism. The inauguration of the Phnom Penh and Siem Reap airport expansions takes place on 16 March 2016. These projects, which raise each airport’s capacity to 5 million passengers per year, move the two airports into a new international airport category.
Projects update and handover

Works for a shopping centre

10/03/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Maintenance of barges for the French navy

10/03/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

First project for Soldata Acoustic

10/03/2016 - News update - United Arab Emirates
Projects update and handover

Building viaducts for a railway line

10/03/2016 - News update - Algeria
Projects update and handover

Connecting road

10/03/2016 - News update - Chile
Projects update and handover

Pre-project species preservation

10/03/2016 - News update - Mexico

Collective intelligence supporting urban air quality

04/03/2016 - News update - The Netherlands
In the Dutch city of Eindhoven, Axians (VINCI Energies) is taking part in the collaborative AirEAS project, which gives citizens access to real time information on air quality in their neighbourhoods. The next step will be to introduce dynamic traffic control based on this data.
Projects update and handover

Rehabilitation works in Faisanderie estate

03/03/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

VINCI wins concession for western Strasbourg bypass motorway

03/03/2016 - News update - France
By a decree dated 29 January 2016 and published on 31 January 2016, the French government awarded the VINCI joint venture the concession contract for the western Strasbourg bypass motorway (A355). The project involves the design, financing, construction and operation of a 24 km-long, 2x2-lane motorway aimed at attracting the through traffic that currently uses the A35 (due to subsequently be transformed into an urban boulevard) to get past Strasbourg.
Projects update and handover

Demolition of structures on the A9

03/03/2016 - News update - France
A consortium notably comprising VINCI Construction Terrassement (leader) and Eurovia (joint contractor) is implementing a project to re-route the A9 motorway at Montpellier (south of France). On the eastern part of the worksite, Cardem (Eurovia) has been demolishing engineering structures on the present motorway, which is currently being widened, since late 2014 – these bridges have become inadequate for their task.
Projects update and handover

Underground works for the Nice tramway

03/03/2016 - News update - France
Within the framework of the T2 tram line project in Nice (south of France), Soletanche Bachy (VINCI Construction), as part of a consortium, is supplying the civil engineering works of the underground section of the future line: a 3.2 km-long tunnel, four underground stations and the entrance and exit shafts.

VINCI, Grand Patron of the Chateau of Versailles, will redevelop the Dufour Pavilion

02/03/2016 - News update - France
VINCI, Grand Patron of the Chateau of Versailles for more than a decade, has undertaken a further project for the Public Establishment of the Museum and National Estate of Versailles. On 2 March 2015, the VINCI Group signed a new sponsorship agreement covering the conversion of the Dufour Pavilion into a visitor centre bringing together the reception area and the full range of visitor services. This new space opened to the public on the 23th of February.

Euro 2016 D - 100 : focus on the 21st century stadiums

02/03/2016 - News update - France
France is building a new generation of stadiums in preparation for UEFA Euro 2016 that will give host cities state-of-the art sports and entertainment venues for decades to come. Just 100 days from the launch of Euro 2016, VINCI, which has rolled out its design-financing-construction-operation and maintenance expertise in this area in Paris, Nice, Lyon and Bordeaux, takes stock of these 21st-century stadiums.

February 2016

New contracts

Construction of a mixed-use complex in Rennes

24/02/2016 - News update - France
As leader of a consortium, Sogea Bretagne (VINCI Construction France) is to build a mixed-use complex for Archipel Habitat at the north-eastern entry into Rennes (Brittany).

Matmut Atlantique Stadium wins awards for its architecture

24/02/2016 - News update - France
In Bordeaux, the Matmut Atlantique Stadium, managed by VINCI Stadium (VINCI Concessions), has just been voted “Stadium of 2015” by the www.stadiumdb.com website.
Projects update and handover
Projects update and handover

Urban refurbishment works in the centre of Cologne

24/02/2016 - News update - Germany
In Cologne, in late January, the local Eurovia Germany office handed over two projects implemented simultaneously in a dense urban environment, at the foot of the cathedral.

Château of Versailles Dufour pavilion now open to the public

23/02/2016 - News update - France
In parallel with its restoration, started in October 2013, the Dufour Pavilion has undergone a major programme of interior refurbishment works, in accordance with a sponsorship agreement signed in March 2015 by VINCI, Grand Patron of the Château of Versailles, and was opened to the public on 23 February 2016.
Projects update and handover

Winning synergies in Canada

11/02/2016 - News update - Canada
By combining its concession and construction know-how, VINCI has won a major contract, the Regina motorway bypass in the province of Saskatchewan. The project will bring into play the complementarity between Eurovia's regional roots through its subsidiary Carmacks in the neighbouring province of Alberta, and the expertise of VINCI Construction Terrassement in major linear infrastructure projects.
Projects update and handover

Rennes Convention Centre : Concrete Consecrated Stone

11/02/2016 - News update - France
The transformation of the Jacobin monastery into a congress centre in Rennes combines new construction and heritage restoration in a technically complex project. The 14th century landmark, revisited with 21st century expertise, will embark on a new life in early 2017.
New contracts

New cash recycling centre for Paris region

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Lengthening a lock in central France

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Works at Disneyland Paris

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Logistics platform in Bourges

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Renovation of the RN4

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Extending a lycée in Burgundy

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Roof-top car park

09/02/2016 - News update - France
New contracts
Projects update and handover

Four stars in Cagnes-sur-Mer

09/02/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Sand ‘lining’ for energy storage tanks

09/02/2016 - News update - Tunisia

January 2016


28 January 1998: inauguration of the Stade de France

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Designed by architects Michel Marcary, Aymeric Zublena, Michel Regembal and Claude Costantini, the Stade de France was built by VINCI and Bouygues in a record 31 months between May 1995 and November 1997. It was inaugurated on 28 January 1998.
Projects update and handover

Road resurfacing

28/01/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Off-plan sale of office block

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Inter-commune boulevard of Parisis

28/01/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Wastewater treatment on Mayotte

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Regional museum in Narbonne

28/01/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Ground consolidation

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

New surfaces on the A404

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover
New contracts

“Place du Grand-Ouest” in Massy

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Santiago boulevard

28/01/2016 - News update - Chile
New contracts

Underground works for SRF

28/01/2016 - News update - Switzerland
Projects update and handover

Creation of the track for the Race of Champions

28/01/2016 - News update - United Kingdom
New contracts

Sorting baggage

28/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover

Inauguration of the Lee Tunnel in London

28/01/2016 - News update - United Kingdom

DataCity: Inventing the city of the future

25/01/2016 - News update - France
VINCI Energies is taking part in DataCity, an open innovation programme on Smart Cities. The programme, launched in November 2015, brings together industrial partners, public authorities and project leaders to meet the challenges of the city of the future.

Follow the VINCI Startup Tour auditions

19/01/2016 - News update
On 24 November, VINCI Concessions announced the launch of the VINCI Startup Tour, a roving competition held at European level. Its purpose is to detect promising innovative initiatives that reinvent the digital experience of the users of infrastructure operated by the Group.
Projects update and handover

Renovation of a century-old park in Roubaix

15/01/2016 - News update - France
Projects update and handover
Projects update and handover

Redevelopment of a building for La Poste in Paris

11/01/2016 - News update - France

Inauguration of the Parc Olympique Lyonnais

09/01/2016 - News update - France
After 29 months of works undertaken by Stade de Lyon Construction (VINCI Construction France), the Parc Olympique Lyonnais was formally opened on 9 January in the presence, notably, of Jean-Michel Aulas, president of the Olympique Lyonnais football club.

Underpass beneath the Bordeaux-Arcachon road

09/01/2016 - News update - France
New contracts

Improvements for a port terminal in Canada

07/01/2016 - News update - Canada
Projects update and handover

Paris's great canal cleanup

06/01/2016 - News update - France

2015 in review

04/01/2016 - News update - France
Acquisitions, strategic partnerships, new contracts and projects ... Discover with this interactive timeline our 2015 highlights. For optimal viewing, see the timeline in a new window, click on this link.