€98.380 The share price fell by -0.53 %   28/06/2024 17:35

Dominique Muller

Dominique Muller

Project manager, Building France and Civil Engineering France divisions, VINCI Construction
Director representing employee shareholders

Director since: 2019
Current appointment ends: SGM 2027
Number of VINCI shares held: 3,814 at 31/12/2023
Age: 61

Within the VINCI Group
Appointments and other positions held at 31/12/2023
- Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Castor company mutual fund

Appointments and other positions that have expired during the last five financial years
- Secretary of the Social and Economic Committee of VINCI Construction France

After completing a master’s degree in private law, with a specialisation in international legal affairs, Dominique Muller joined the VINCI Group in April 1991. She served as head of construction claims first at Compagnie Générale des Eaux’s captive brokerage firm until 2000 and then at VINCI Assurances. From 2006 until 1 July 2023, she was head of insurance for VINCI Construction’s Building France and Civil Engineering France divisions. Since that date, Ms Muller has been a project manager at VINCI Construction.

Last updated: 10/06/2024