€98.380 The share price fell by -0.53 %   28/06/2024 17:35

Alain Saïd

Alain Saïd

Business Manager, Comsip (VINCI Energies)
Director representing employees

Director since: 2022
Current appointment ends: 2026
Number of VINCI shares held: 0 at 31/12/2023
Age: 57

In unlisted companies or other structures
Appointments and other positions held at 31/12/2023
Full member of the Île-de-France regional committee of the French Professional Agency for Risk Prevention in Building and Civil Engineering (OPPBTP)

Appointments and other positions that have expired during the last five financial years
- Secretary of the Social and Economic Committee of Comsip
- Member of the Bureau of the VINCI Group Works Council
- Member of the Supervisory Board of the Castor company mutual fund

After completing a BTS (advanced technical diploma) in Industrial Control and then in Management, Alain Saïd spent most of his career as a business manager with the Cegelec group, notably at Cegelec Grenoble and then at Cegelec Oil & Gas. In 2012, he joined Comsip France (VINCI Energies) where he is currently a business manager.

Last updated: 10/06/2024