€98.380 The share price fell by -0.53 %   28/06/2024 17:35


You will enjoy working with us

Be yourself! At VINCI you don't have to fit into a mould – your personality will enrich our companies.

The vacancies

Job vacancies

Discover the jobs most suited to your profile in our companies, in France and internationally.

Career management

Manage your career

At VINCI, we're not seeking to fill vacancies, we're looking for personalities whose human qualities are just as important as their know-how.
Because we believe in giving priority to people over the system, our decentralised model is based on autonomy, trust and responsibility – for all our employees.

Careers be committed

Be committed

Our culture is supported and enriched by the diversity of our employees and their experiences – this is why we encourage Group employees and companies to engage with civil society.


Discover on YouTube all our employees’ portrait around the world and share their daily life in video.

Join us on YouTube


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The students

Students, get started!

Get involved with us and make your first professional experience an opportunity to achieve your goals.


Where we operate

Operating in around 100 countries, VINCI wants to push forward its international development, especially in Latin America, South East Asia and Oceania, as well as in the most promising european markets.

Contacts for careers

Careers contacts

Tel: +33 1 57 98 61 00
Contact us by Email: E-mail

Last updated: 28/02/2024