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VINCI will build a recycling centre in north London


22. 10. 2020 - 16:45 - Neuaufträge - Vereinigtes Königreich

• Construction of a sorting centre, recycling centre and a community education facility
• Capacity to manage 135,000 tonnes of recyclable material every year
• A £78.9 million contract (€87.4 million)

VINCI Construction, through its UK subsidiary Taylor Woodrow, signed a contract with the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to build recycling facilities, as part of the North London Heat and Power Project (NLHPP).

The construction will begin in January 2021 after an Early Contractor Involvement phase during which preliminary works will be carried out and the design finalised. The project is scheduled for completion in October 2022 and worth a total £78.9 million (€87.4 million). It includes:
   - A Resource Recovery Facility with capacity to manage 135,000 tonnes of recyclable material every year
   - A Reuse and Recycling Centre for public and business use, enabling local residents to dispose of their waste directly
   - EcoPark House, a facility open to the public to raise awareness among the local community about the importance of the circular economy and reducing the carbon footprint of waste.

The geotechnical engineering work will be conducted in synergy with Bachy Soletanche and Vibro Menard, both of which are VINCI Construction subsidiaries, which will complete the complex foundations to support the 74 m long processing hall.

Environmental considerations are at the heart of the project, which will include a rainwater collection system and a clean energy system powered by photovoltaic panels and geothermal energy. There is also an opportunity currently being investigated to harness the energy from the adjacent River Lee Navigation using hydro turbines. The facility will also be equipped with a cutting-edge ventilation system to neutralise any odours.

NLWA's drive is to achieve 50% household recycling rates and protect the environment by diverting up to 700,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste from landfill. The Project's carbon savings are the equivalent of 215,000 tonnes of CO2 each year, in an area that is home to around 2 million people.

Taylor Woodrow has already built two cutting edge facilities in north Yorkshire and Cornwall, and this project allows it to further demonstrate its expertise in waste recovery.

The teams from VINCI in the UK are also involved in the Tideway scheme, a major project to capture, store and convey sewage and rainwater in a centre in London to clean up the River Thames.


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VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.