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VINCI Airports – Q2 2018 traffic*


12. 07. 2018 - 17:45 - Verkehre

Continued solid traffic growth at the airports managed by VINCI Airports: +7.4% in the second quarter of 2018
· Growth remains at record levels in Cambodia (+20.6%)
· Robust performance in Europe with double-digit growth at Lisbon (+10.7%), Porto (+11.2%), Rennes (+20.9%) and Toulon Hyères (+14.3%)
· Sustained growth at the three airports operated in the Kansai region of Japan (+7.8%) and at Santiago de Chile airport (+6.9%)

In the second quarter of 2018, traffic across the 36 platforms managed by VINCI Airports was up 7.4%* from the second quarter of 2017, with 42.9 million passengers handled in the network during the period.

In Cambodia, passenger numbers continued to surge at the country’s three international airports (+20.6%), in spite of the low season. Phnom Penh airport recorded outstanding traffic growth of 30.1%, fuelled by the strong influx of passengers traveling from other countries in Asia, especially China, Vietnam, South Korea and Thailand. With Sihanoukville, the country’s main beach resort, becoming an increasingly popular destination for domestic and Asian tourists, its international airport reported spectacular 99.5% growth thanks to the arrival of the new Chinese companies Hainan Airlines and Ruili Airlines and the opening of several new routes. Significant investments were made in the development of the airport in Sihanoukville to accommodate the expected rise in passenger numbers over the next five years. A new terminal was inaugurated on 27 June 2018.

In Portugal, the country’s ten airports reported a 6.9% increase in traffic in the second quarter of 2018 over the same period in 2017, with 15.3 million passengers, representing an increase of almost one million passengers. Lisbon and Porto airports both recorded double-digit growth, up 10.7% and 11.2% respectively, while Faro and Madeira traffic managed to remain stable despite the bankruptcy filings of Air Monarch and Niki in 2017 and adverse weather conditions leading to numerous flight cancellations. This steady performance reflects the good health of the main airlines operating in Portugal, particularly national carrier TAP and Ryanair, EasyJet, Transavia and Jet2. The average load factor in commercial flights achieved an excellent 86.1% (up 60 basis points), as Portugal remains a highly sought-after destination for European tourists, mainly from Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Germany. In the second quarter, 23 airlines opened a total of 48 new routes with Portugal.

In France, traffic increased significantly in the second quarter 2018 (up 8.7%) at the 12 regional facilities managed by VINCI Airports, with 5.3 million passengers handled. Traffic at the Lyon-Saint Exupéry and Lyon-Bron airports, which rose by 6.9%, continues to be lifted by the arrival of new carriers, including Volotea and Armenia Aircompany. This very positive result was also supported by the opening of 20 new routes in the second quarter and a steep rise in load factors, reaching 87% for low-cost carriers (up 500 basis points from second quarter 2017) and 75% for non-low-cost airlines (up 600 basis points).
Traffic at Nantes Atlantique airport remained on a very positive trend in the second quarter, with growth up 11.6%, and a significant load factor increase, gaining 500 basis points.
Activity was buoyant at Rennes Bretagne airport, which saw a strong 20.9% increase in passenger numbers. This performance reflects the appeal and attractiveness of the Greater West region of France and is driven by the arrival of Easyjet, which has achieved great success on its new route with Lyon, with an average load factor above 87%.
In the South of France, Toulon Hyères airport recorded excellent traffic growth of 14.3% in the second quarter, thanks to the opening of nine new routes operated by three new airlines. New destinations include Paris-Charles de Gaulle, Geneva and Copenhagen. This growth is a direct result of VINCI Airports’ marketing strategy to work with its airline partners over the long term and open new routes in the Var region, which is host to an increasing number of international events such as the French Formula One Grand Prix.

In Japan, a significant milestone was achieved with Kansai Airports taking over the operation of Kobe airport on 1 April 2018. The three airports reported combined growth of 7.8% in the second quarter 2018, with Kansai International Airport (KIX) achieving +11.1% and Kobe +9.0%. International growth accelerated in the second quarter, driven by increases in both capacity and load factors. China performed well, while passenger traffic from South Korea, Hong Kong and Macau continues to deliver strong results. The long-haul traffic performed very well thanks to the strong development of routes to Hawaii and Europe, with all carriers returning to daily operations, and Oceania boosted by new Qantas routes to Sydney.

In Chile, traffic at the Santiago airport reported a solid 6.9% increase in the second quarter. Growth was spurred by the performance of the successful carrier Jetsmart. International traffic also continued to expand significantly, boosted by growth in passengers travelling from Brazil. Greater frequencies on existing routes to Lima (operated by Jetsmart), Madrid (by Iberia), São Paulo (by Avianca Brazil) and Dubai (by Emirates) are also providing positive ground for further growth.

In the Dominican Republic, traffic at the six airports managed by VINCI Airports contracted by 4.8% in the second quarter 2018, due to the bankruptcy filings by Air Berlin, Pawa Dominicana and Aserca as well as TUI’s capacity reduction. Outstanding results were achieved at La Isabela airport in Santo Domingo with an increase of 31.3% due to the opening of two new routes to San Maarten and Curacao. Samaná airport also continued to show very positive momentum (up 31.0%), with the opening of new routes, the latest being a new flight from Madrid operated by Evelop.

In Brazil, the Salvador Bahia Airport, operated by VINCI Airports since 2 January 2018, achieved 1.3% growth in the second quarter despite the social movements that paralyzed the country in May. The crisis created a shortage of aviation fuel supply at all main airports in Brazil and led to declines in demand and load factors. The airport was able to maintain fuel supplies throughout the crisis and was used by some international carriers as a re-fueling point before exiting the country. Overall, Salvador Bahia airport managed to remain on a high trend with load factors above 80% in the second quarter.

VINCI Airports passenger traffic at 30 June 2018

In thousands of passengersQ2 2018% change
Q2 2018 /
Q2 2017
Cumul. 2018
6 month
% Var.
H1 2018 /
H1 2017
% Change.
12 month
VINCI Airports42,858+7.4%82,280+9.3%+10.6%
Cambodge (Cambodia Airports)2,224+20.6%5,200+23.7%+25.2%
Portugal (ANA)15,261+6.9%25,629+8.9%+11.4%
Japon (Kansai Airports)12,108+7.8%24,155+8.7%+9.2%
Chili (Nuevo Pudahuel)5,023+6.9%11,320+10.7%+11.9%
République dominicaine (Aerodom) 1,191-4.8%2,576-3.8%-1.8%
Brésil (Salvador)1,730+1.3%3,858+3.9%+6.2%


APPENDIXES: see pdf version of press release


* Data covering the full scope of operations (100%), irrespective of the percentage held by VINCI Airports. Pro forma changes including Salvador (Brazil) and Kobe (Japan) airports on a full-year basis in 2017.


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About VINCI Airports
VINCI Airports, a top four global player in the international airport sector, manages the development and operation of 36 airports located in France, Portugal (including the Lisbon hub), Cambodia, Japan, Dominican Republic, Chile and Brazil. Served by around 250 airlines, VINCI Airports' network handled 156.6 million passengers in 2017. Through its expertise as a comprehensive integrator and the professionalism of its 12,000 employees, VINCI Airports develops, finances, builds and operates airports, leveraging its investment capability, international network and know-how to optimize the management and performance of existing airport infrastructure, facility extensions and new-build construction projects. In 2017, its annual revenue for managed activities amounted to €3.2 billion, for consolidated revenue of €1.4 billion. More comprehensive information is available on www.vinci-airports.com


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VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.