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VINCI Airports – 2017 Q2 traffic


12. 07. 2017 - 18:19 - Verkehre - Frankreich

Sharp increase in passenger traffic in the second quarter in all the managed airports (+14.1%):
- Very strong growth in Portugal (+20.6%) and Cambodia (+30.5%)
- Sustained growth in French airports, particularly Lyon (+5.9%) and Nantes (+13.8%)
- Traffic growth in Japan (+8.4%)

In the second quarter of 2017, VINCI Airports reported sharp growth in passenger traffic in all managed airports, up 14.1%* on the second quarter of 2016, with 37.4 million passengers welcomed in the network's 35 airports.

Very strong growth in Portugal and Cambodia

Very sharp growth in Portugal (+20.6%) primarily reflects the strong performance of the national carrier TAP, which is benefitting from the recovery of traffic with Brazil and the opening of numerous new lines. The further development of low-cost traffic from Europe is the other main driver of increased traffic in Portuguese airports, with all the major players of the segment reporting double-digit growth over the period. In Cambodia (+30.5%), Chinese passengers continue to boost traffic in the airports of Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, which reported growth of 23.7% and 33.6% respectively. Both airports also benefit from sustained growth of passengers travelling from ASEAN countries. The airport of Sihanoukville, located in the country's main beach resort, recorded spectacular growth of 269.4%, following the opening of several new lines serving this destination, which is increasingly popular with domestic and Asian tourists.

Sustained growth in French airports

Activity was also brisk in the French airports operated by VINCI Airports, with traffic up by 8.5%, supported by sharp growth in the Lyon-Saint Exupéry, Nantes Atlantique and Rennes Bretagne airports.
Traffic in the Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport, which rose by 5.9% over the period, continues to benefit from the opening of new lines in 2016 and the arrival of new airline companies such as Air Canada and Wizz Air.
Growth of 13.8% at Nantes Atlantique reflects a dynamic performance from companies operating there, such as Volotea, Air France and Transavia, and the arrival of new companies such as Lufthansa and British Airways, which stimulates international traffic. Rennes Bretagne Airport, which reported the highest growth of the French airports in 2016, remains dynamic with an increase of 11.6% in traffic, thanks notably to the opening of a new Rennes-Madrid line operated by Iberia Express.

Traffic growth in Japan

In Japan, where VINCI Airports is present since April 2016, the Kansai airports recorded 8.4% growth in traffic in the quarter compared to the preceding year, led by strong development of low-cost companies and the increase in traffic, in particular from South Korea.

These excellent performances confirm the trend in traffic observed since the beginning of the year. From January to June, the airports in the VINCI Airports network welcomed more than 70 million passengers, an increase of 12.8% - 11.7% over 12 months year-on-year.

VINCI Airports passenger traffic at 30 June 2017

In thousands of passengersQ2 2017% change
Q2 17/Q2 16
6 months
% change
H1 17/H1 16
% ch.12 mths
VINCI Airports *
of which:
Portugal (ANA)14,270+20.623,529+19.9+17.9
Japan (Kansai Airports)10,404+8.420,768+7.6+6.3
Chile (Nuevo Pudahuel)4,685+10.010,206+9.9+10.6
Cambodia (Cambodia Airports)1,843+30.54,203+23.2+17.9
Dominican Republic (Aerodom)1,250+11.42,669+7.0+5.6

* 100% contribution irrespective of share capital held. Variations on a pro forma basis including Kansai Airports, Aerodom and Lyon-Saint Exupéry over a full year in 2016.


Appendix – Passengers and commercial movements on 30 June 2017: see pdf version of press release

A propos de VINCI Airports
VINCI Airports, l’un des 5 principaux acteurs internationaux du secteur aéroportuaire, assure le développement et l’exploitation de 35 aéroports : 13 en France, 10 au Portugal (dont le hub de Lisbonne), 3 au Cambodge, 2 au Japon, 6 en République dominicaine et l’aéroport de Santiago au Chili. En mars 2017, VINCI Airports a été désigné concessionnaire de l’aéroport de Salvador au Brésil. Desservi par plus de 200 compagnies aériennes, le réseau des plates-formes VINCI Airports a accueilli 132 millions de passagers en 2016. Grâce à son expertise d’intégrateur global et à l’engagement de ses 11 000 collaborateurs, VINCI Airports développe, finance, construit et exploite des aéroports en apportant sa capacité d’investissement, son réseau international et son savoir-faire dans l’optimisation de la gestion et de la performance de plates-formes existantes, de projets d'extension ou de construction complète d’infrastructures aéroportuaires. En 2016, son chiffre d’affaires consolidé s’est élevé à 1,05 milliard d’euros. Toutes les informations sur www.vinci-airports.com


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VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.