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Zum Abonnieren von VINCI-Mitteilungen
Wöchentliche Aktienrückkauf-Meldung


Dezember 2017


VINCI Energies acquires PrimeLine Utility Services, a U.S. company specialising in the energy and telecommunications infrastructure sectors

21. 12. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung - Staaten von Amerika
VINCI Energies, the VINCI subsidiary specialising in energy and information and communication technology (ICT) services, has reached an agreement with private equity investment firm First Reserve and PrimeLine Utility Services management, to acquire the company. The agreement, which covers acquisition of all PrimeLine Utility Services shares, is subject to approval by the US regulatory authorities.

VINCI Energies wins a contract to build new overhead power transmission lines in Scotland

14. 12. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Vereinigtes Königreich
VINCI Energies has won a design-build contract for new power transmission infrastructure in Scotland via its Omexom brand and in a joint venture with the British Morgan Sindall firm. The £30 million project is part of a power transmission line contract with Scottish Southern Energy Networks (SSEN).

November 2017


Refinancing of Arcour, concessionaire of the A19 motorway between Artenay and Courtenay in France

22. 11. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich
Arcour, a VINCI Autoroutes subsidiary, finalized yesterday the refinancing of its credit facilities granted in 2008 by a pool of commercial banks.

Official signing of an agreement on workers’ rights between Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), Qatari Diar VINCI Construction (QDVC) and VINCI: a world premiere on these issues in Qatar

21. 11. 2017 - 11:55 - Pressemitteilung - Qatar
Resulting from discussions that began in December 2014, the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI), a global union federation signed today an agreement with QDVC (a Qatari shareholding company with two shareholders: Qatari Diar Real Estate Investments Company and VINCI Construction Grands Projets) and VINCI, a French-based global player in concessions and construction.

VINCI Energies wins the contract to build eight photovoltaic power plants in Senegal

20. 11. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Senegal
VINCI Energies, via its brand dedicated to energy transition - Omexom, has been awarded by the Société d’Electricité du Sénégal - Senelec - a contract to build eight photovoltaic power plants with a combined capacity of 17 MW in Senegal within a period of 10 months.

2017 Investor Day

14. 11. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich
VINCI is holding an Investor Day at Lyon Saint-Exupéry Airport today with the focus on VINCI Concessions.

Tap issue of non-dilutive cash-settled convertible bonds

09. 11. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich

VINCI Energies acquires EITECH, one of the Swedish leading specialists in electrical works and engineering

08. 11. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Schweden
VINCI Energies, the VINCI subsidiary specialising in energy and information and communication technology services, has reached an agreement with EITECH shareholders to acquire this company, covering acquisition of all the shares.

VINCI Energies acquires Infratek and Horlemann, two major European companies specialised in electrical grids

01. 11. 2017 - 17:36 - Pressemitteilung - Norwegen
VINCI Energies, the VINCI subsidiary specialising in energy and information and communication technology services (ICT), has reached an agreement with funds advised by Triton to acquire Infratek Group

Oktober 2017


VINCI Construction acquires the Seymour Whyte company and boosts its construction operations in Australia

25. 10. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung - Australien
On 23 October 2017, VINCI Construction finalised the acquisition of the Seymour Whyte company based in Queensland. The acquisition was finalised following the purchase of 100% of the shares of the company previously listed on the Sydney stock exchange.

Quarterly information at 30 September 2017

24. 10. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung

VINCI Airports – Q3 2017 traffic

12. 10. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung
In the third quarter of 2017, traffic across platforms managed by VINCI Airports increased 12.2%* compared to Q3 2016, with a total of 42.3 million passengers handled in the network airports.

Spiecapag, a VINCI subsidiary, wins a contract to build an oil pipeline for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP) in Canada

09. 10. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung - Kanada
Trans Mountain Pipeline L.P. (TMP) has awarded a contract to the joint venture formed by Spiecapag Canada Corp, a subsidiary of VINCI, and Macro Enterprise Inc., to build the Spread 5B section of the Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP) in Canada.

Cofiroute successfully issues a €750 million bond at 10 years

05. 10. 2017 - 08:45 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich
VINCI announces the successful placement by its subsidiary COFIROUTE of a €750 million bond issue, maturing in October 2027 with an annual coupon of 1.125%.

September 2017


Implementation of the share buyback programme

28. 09. 2017 - 08:31 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich

Philippe Dewost appointed director of Leonard, the VINCI innovation and foresight platform

04. 09. 2017 - 08:40 - Pressemitteilung
Philippe Dewost has been appointed director of Leonard, VINCI's new Group-wide innovation and foresight platform. He took up his duties on 1 September and reports to Pierre Coppey, Executive Vice-President of VINCI.

August 2017


VINCI Construction selected to improve drinking water supply toHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam

29. 08. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Vietnam
VINCI Construction subsidiaries, VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bessac (Soletanche Bachy) have won the contract to design and build a 10 km treated water transmission pipeline to supply the centre of Ho Chi Minh City, the economic capital of Vietnam.

Juli 2017


2017 half-year financial report

28. 07. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung
VINCI announces the publication today of its 2017 half-year financial report as well as its submission to the French financial markets regulator (l’Autorité des marchés financiers).

2017 Halbjahresabschluss

28. 07. 2017 - 07:00 - Pressemitteilung

The VINCI Airports-ORIX-Kansai Airports joint venture is named preferred bidder for the Kobe airport in Japan

25. 07. 2017 - 13:39 - Pressemitteilung - Japan
The city of Kobe today named as preferred bidder for the 42-year Kobe airport concession contract the joint venture formed by VINCI Airports, 4ème the world’s fourth-largest airport operator; ORIX Corporation, the leading Japanese integrated financial services company; and Kansai Airports*, the concessionaire for two airports in Japan’s Kansai region, with VINCI Airports (40%) and ORIX Corporation (40%) as its two main shareholders.

VINCI Airports – 2017 Q2 traffic

12. 07. 2017 - 18:19 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich
In the second quarter of 2017, VINCI Airports reported sharp growth in passenger traffic in all managed airports, up 14.1%* on the second quarter of 2016, with 37.4 million passengers welcomed in the network's 35 airports.

VINCI Airports bolsters its positions in airport retail with the acquisition of Lojas Francas Portugal (LFP)

11. 07. 2017 - 18:44 - Pressemitteilung - Portugal
On 11 July 2017, VINCI Airports finalised the acquisition of 51% of the share capital of Lojas Francas Portugal (LFP), Portuguese airport retail leader, from TAG GER, subsidiary of the national airline company TAP.

VINCI Energies acquires Acuntia, a leading Spanish information and communication technology company

05. 07. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung - Spanien
VINCI Energies, the VINCI subsidiary specialising in energy and information and communication technology services (ICT), has reached an agreement with the GPF Capital* investment fund to acquire the Acuntia company.

VINCI launches Leonard, the new Group-wide platform dedicated to innovation, foresight and inventing the Group's future businesses

04. 07. 2017 - 08:45 - Pressemitteilung
Against the backdrop of the many challenges facing today's world – the energy transition, the digital revolution and the accelerating pace of innovation – VINCI is today launching Leonard, its new platform dedicated to innovation and foresight, set up at the instigation of Pierre Coppey, Executive Vice-President of the VINCI Group.

VINCI Construction wins a new contract for Line 15 South of the future Grand Paris Express transport network

03. 07. 2017 - 19:17 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich
The joint venture made up of lead company VINCI Construction and Spie Batignolles has won an important civil engineering contract for the Grand Paris Express project: the Société du Grand Paris selected the bid submitted by the joint venture covering construction of the iconic Noisy-Champs station, a carriage storage area, and a road bridge over the RER A regional express line tracks.

Juni 2017


United Kingdom: Eurovia reinforces its position as a leading highway and motorway maintenance company

30. 06. 2017 - 08:45 - Pressemitteilung - Vereinigtes Königreich
Highways England has selected Eurovia, the VINCI subsidiary specialising in transport infrastructure and urban development, to take responsibility for managing routine maintenance and delivering capital renewal and improvement for highways and motorways in South West England.

Implementation of the share buyback programme

27. 06. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung
As part of the implementation of its share buyback programme, VINCI signed a share purchase agreement with an investment services provider on 27 June 2017.

VINCI Construction UK awarded contract to design and construct student accommodation at the University of Hull in the United Kingdom

01. 06. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung - Vereinigtes Königreich
University Partnerships Programme (UPP) has awarded VINCI Construction UK, VINCI’s subsidiary, a €111.35 million contract (£97 million) to design and build a new accommodation complex at the University of Hull.

Mai 2017


Tap issue of non-dilutive cash-settled convertible bonds

10. 05. 2017 - 20:57 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich

April 2017


Quartalsinformationen zum 31 March 2017

27. 04. 2017 - 17:44 - Pressemitteilung

Annual shareholders’ meeting of 20 April 2017

20. 04. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung
VINCI’s Combined Shareholders’ General Meeting chaired by Xavier Huillard, the Group’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, was held on 20 April 2017 at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris. The quorum was 59.874 % and the shareholders’ meeting approved all the resolutions submitted.

Eurovia awarded motorway contract in Slovakia

13. 04. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Slowakei
The consortium led by Eurovia – the VINCI subsidiary specialised in transport infrastructure construction and urban development projects – and including Doprastav and Metrostav Slovakia has been awarded the contract to build a new 8 km section of the D1 motorway near Prešov, in eastern Slovakia.

VINCI Highways completes the financial arrangements for the A7 motorway public-private partnership (A-Modell*) in Germany

12. 04. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Deutschland
VINCI Concessions subsidiary VINCI Highways recently completed the financial arrangements for the A7 motorway public-private partnership (A-Modell*) covering a 60 km section between the Bockenem and Göttingen interchanges in Germany.

Two large VINCI Concessions motorway projects open to traffic in Greece

11. 04. 2017 - 18:44 - Pressemitteilung - Griechenland
Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras inaugurated the new section between Corinth and Patras today, extending the east-west corridor Athens-Corinth. This inauguration follows the commissioning of the new motorway between the Malian Gulf and Kleidi on the eastern coast, on 6 April.

ASF successfully issues a €500 million 9-year bond

05. 04. 2017 - 18:12 - Pressemitteilung
ASF (Autoroutes du Sud de la France) has successfully issued a €500 million bond due to mature in April 2026 and carrying an annual coupon of 1.125 %.

Implementation of the share buyback programme

04. 04. 2017 - 08:45 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich

März 2017


VINCI Airports wins the concession for Salvador’s airport in Brazil

16. 03. 2017 - 18:54 - Pressemitteilung - Brasilien
On completion of a call for tenders initiated by ANAC (Agência Nacional de Aviação Civil), VINCI Airports was this Thursday awarded the concession for Deputado Luis Eduardo Magalhaes airport, for a 30-year term. Located in the city of Salvador, this airport is currently managed by the public operator Infraero.

English version of the 2016 Annual Report

10. 03. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung
The 2016 Annual Report is now available in English on the Group’s website at www.vinci.com under Investors / Reports / Annual and half-year reports.

Februar 2017


2016 Annual Report

24. 02. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung
VINCI announces the publication of its 2016 annual report as well as its registration with the French financial markets regulator, the Autorité des Marchés Financiers.

Determination of the share reference price of VINCI’s shares and of the initial conversion price of the US$450 million cash-settled synthetic convertible bonds due February 2022

23. 02. 2017 - 20:11 - Pressemitteilung
In connection with the placement of US$450 millions non-dilutive cash-settled convertible bonds with a maturity of 5 years due February 2022 (the "Bonds"), VINCI hereby notifies the holders of the Bonds of the following determinations and calculations.

The joint venture made up of VINCI Construction, lead company, associated with Spie batignolles, wins a major contract on Line 15 South of the future Grand Paris Express transport network

22. 02. 2017 - 18:01 - Pressemitteilung - Frankreich
The joint venture made up of VINCI Construction, associated with Spie batignolles has won a major Grand Paris Express contract. Société du Grand Paris selected the bid submitted by this joint venture to build the T3C section of Line 15 South between the Fort d’Issy-Vanves-Clamart and Villejuif Louis Aragon stations.

Publication of audited consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2016

10. 02. 2017 - 17:45 - Pressemitteilung
VINCI announces the publication of its consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2016 (summary statements and detailed notes) accompanied by the report of the statutory auditors on the consolidated financial statements.

VINCI launches an offering of US$450 million cash-settled synthetic convertible bonds

09. 02. 2017 - 07:45 - Pressemitteilung
VINCI announces the launch of a US$450 million offering of non-dilutive cash-settled convertible bonds with a maturity of 5 years due 2022 (the "Bonds") to institutional investors.

Jahresabschluss 2016

07. 02. 2017 - 17:50 - Pressemitteilung
Outstanding performance overall

Januar 2017


Comol5 JV will realize the first part of the Rijnland Route in Netherlands

30. 01. 2017 - 18:16 - Pressemitteilung - Die Niederlande
The Province of South Holland has awarded the contract for building the Rijnland Route to Comol5. This international joint venture consists of TBI companies Mobilis and Croonwolter&dros (25% each), DIMCO (DEME Infra Marine Contractors) (25%) and VINCI Construction Grands Projets (25%). The value of the contract is 492 million euros.

Soletanche Bachy playing key role in construction of Three-runway System at Hong Kong International Airport

19. 01. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung - Hongkong
As part of the extension of Hong Kong International Airport, Soletanche Bachy, a subsidiary of VINCI specialising in foundations and soil technologies, has entered a 50-50 joint-venture with its South Korean partner Sambo E&C. Together, they are carrying out soil reinforcement using the Geomix® technique (or Cutter Soil Mixing - CSM) in height-restricted conditions near the airport’s existing north runway.

ASF successfully issues a €1 billion 10-year bond

05. 01. 2017 - 17:54 - Pressemitteilung
ASF (Autoroutes du Sud de la France) has successfully issued a €1 billion bond due to mature in January 2027 and carrying an annual coupon of 1.25%.

Implementation of the share buyback programme

04. 01. 2017 - 08:30 - Pressemitteilung
As part of its share buyback programme, VINCI signed a share purchase agreement with an investment services provider on 3 January 2017.