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VINCI signs a strategic partnership agreement covering motorway development in Vietnam


6. 09. 2016 - 08:00 - Events - Vietnam

- A cooperation agreement with Vietnam Expressway Corporation
- An ambitious motorway development programme

VINCI Concessions has signed a cooperation agreement with Vietnam Expressway Corporation (VEC), the Vietnamese highways agency. The signing at Government Guest House in Hanoi was followed by a ceremony attended by President Trần Đại Quang of Vietnam and President François Hollande of France.

The VEC-VINCI Concessions partnership covers joint development of concession schemes for road infrastructures currently operated by VEC as well as technology exchange. The cooperation agreement also focuses on construction, financing and operation by VEC and VINCI of new greenfield motorway projects involving the VINCI Group's concessions and contracting businesses.

As part of the strategic partnership, VINCI Concessions, via its subsidiary VINCI Highways, will take part in Vietnam's ambitious infrastructure development programme. The country plans to build a national expressway network, including the 1,800 km North-South expressway, the country's backbone, notably on the basis of the public private partnership model.

This is a demonstration of VINCI Concessions' dynamic expansion in high-growth countries. VINCI Concessions is already present in Asia via its subsidiary VINCI Airports, which operates the airports in Cambodia and Osaka, Japan.

Lastly, this operation bears witness to VINCI's ambitious expansion strategy outside Europe.

About VINCI Concessions
VINCI Concessions designs, finances, builds and operates transport infrastructure and public facilities under public-private partnership arrangements. The Group’s integrated concession-construction approach enables VINCI Concessions to develop solutions that optimise the performance of the projects entrusted to it while providing a high level of service to customers and end users. VINCI Concessions is Europe’s leading operator of transport infrastructure concessions (VINCI Highways, VINCI Airports and VINCI Railways).


Über uns
VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.