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Signature of the contracts covering the world’s longest immersed road and rail tunnel


30. 05. 2016 - 17:55 - Neuaufträge - Dänemark

The Femern Link Contractors joint venture has signed today with the Danish government *contracts in Copenhagen for the design and build of the world’s longest immersed road and rail tunnel, the Fehmarnbelt link between Denmark and Germany.

The joint venture has won three contracts, two contracts covering construction of the immersed tunnel and the tunnel element factory that will manufacture the precast tunnel elements and a contract covering the building of the portal structures, toll buildings, bridges and ramps. The three contracts have a combined value of €3.4 billion.

The joint venture comprises VINCI Construction Grands Projets (lead company for the two tunnel contracts), Per Aarsleff Holding (lead company for the portal contract), Solétanche-Bachy International, CFE., Wayss & Freytag Ingenieurbau, Max Bögl Stiftung & Co, BAM Infra and BAM International.

The joint venture has appointed Dredging International (DEME Group), as dragging subcontractor for the tunnel contracts and COWI, as consultant for all three contracts.

The 18 km immersed tunnel connecting Denmark’s Lolland Falster region with Germany’s Schleswig Holstein region will be the world’s longest immersed road and rail tunnel. It will shorten the journey between the German and Danish coasts to just 10 minutes by car and 7 minutes by train compared to the current travel time of one hour by ferry or a 160 km detour via the Danish region of Jutland by car.

The Fehmarnbelt tunnel project is one of Europe’s largest infrastructure projects to date. It will foster trade and tourism in Northern Europe.

*These contracts are conditional: final and binding contracts are signed with the successful contractors, but construction work will begin after the German construction permits are implemented.

Find out more about the project (including high res pictures and videos downloadable): www.femern.com


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