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VINCI wins contract for East works package of Thames Tideway Tunnel in London


24. 08. 2015 - 08:00 - Neuaufträge - Vereinigtes Königreich

- 7 years of works for London’s “Super Sewer”
- Renewed confidence following Lee Tunnel success

VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bachy Soletanche Ltd (VINCI subsidiaries), in a joint venture with Costain, have signed the contract for the East works package of the Thames Tideway Tunnel with Bazalgette Tunnel Limited, the consortium of investors that holds the concession for the project. The contract is worth €858 million (£605 million).

The works package includes the construction of two sections of tunnel, a main tunnel (5.5 km) and a connecting tunnel (4.6 km) for combined rainwater and wastewater to the east of London. Located between 45 and 65 metres below ground, the two tunnels will be excavated using slurry pressure balance tunnel boring machines. The main tunnel will have an interior diameter of 7.20 metres, while that of the connecting tunnel will be 5 metres. The East section also includes the construction of five large shafts (diameters of between 17 and 25 metres), maritime works on the Thames, structures connecting with the existing wastewater collection system and electromechanical works packages.

A project optimisation phase (design, methods, etc.) is starting immediately. The launch of works on the site is planned for 2016, with delivery scheduled for 2024.

The East works package is one of three making up the Thames Tideway Tunnel, a programme that calls for the construction of a total of 25 km of tunnels. The Thames Tideway Tunnel is needed to tackle the issue of discharges of untreated sewage into the river and ensure that London’s sewerage system is fit for the 21st century.

This contract follows on from that for the Lee Tunnel, which VINCI Construction Grands Projets and Bachy Soletanche started building to the east of London in January 2010.

VINCI Construction Grands Projets is part of a lineage of 100-year-old companies whose names are associated with impressive achievements worldwide, currently operating in 26 countries, including Chile. It designs and builds major civil engineering structures (tunnels, bridges, dams, LNG tanks, road and rail infrastructure) and buildings (airports, skyscrapers, major facilities, etc.). As a complement to the company's high level of expertise, its consummate engineering skills and expert project management abilities, VINCI Construction Grands Projets practices a policy of involvement at the local level wherever it operates, enabling it to deploy wide-ranging yet modular solutions.

Bachy Soletanche Ltd is Soletanche Bachy’s British subsidiary (Soletanche Freyssinet). It has participated in most of the major infrastructure projects in the United Kingdom, providing its geotechnical expertise for Heathrow’s Terminal 5, the extension of the Jubilee Line, the Tyne Tunnel in Newcastle, the M74 at Glasgow and the Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL), including in particular the refurbishment of St Pancras railway station.


Über uns
VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.