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Inauguration of the first section of the M11 Moscow-Saint Petersburg motorway in Russia

23. 12. 2014 - 17:45 - Baustellen - Rußland

Sergei Ivanov, Chief of the Presidential Administration of Russia, today inaugurated the first 43 km section of the M11 motorway, which runs north from Moscow (MKAD ring road) and serves Sheremetyevo International Airport.

The motorway will ensure smooth traffic flow in a highly congested area with some 140,000 cars per day. Russian-French teams will operate the motorway and ensure a very high standard of maintenance, safety and traffic information.

The M11 motorway meets the most exacting European standards in terms of technical requirements, environmental integration, land take optimisation (30% reduction in surface area required compared to the initial project), hydraulic transparency and noise protection for local residents.

This first section of the Moscow-Saint Petersburg motorway will be progressively opened to traffic between now and the summer of 2015.

The Russian state awarded the concession for the first section of the Moscow-Saint Petersburg motorway to NWCC, a joint subsidiary of Mostotrest and VINCI Concessions, in 2008. The contract covers design, financing and construction of the section and its operation and maintenance for a period of 30 years.

Built under a concession contract, the motorway is financed through a combination of shareholder investment (RUB 9.2 billion - VINCI Concessions 50%, Mostotrest 50%), a ruble bond issue (RUB 10 billion), a bank loan (RUB 29 billion) and a state subsidy of RUB 23 billion.


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