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Chernobyl sarcophagus confinement structure jacking operation successfully completed in Ukraine


20. 11. 2014 - 17:45 - Baustellen - Die Ukraine

- Structure measuring 108 metres high
- A technical challenge for this important stage in the project
- Final delivery scheduled for 2017

The NOVARKA (50% VINCI Construction Grands Projets, lead contractor, and 50% Bouygues Travaux Publics, a subsidiary of Bouygues Construction) teams successfully jacked into place the sarcophagus confinement structure at Chernobyl in Ukraine.

The confinement comprises two semi-arches, each of which has undergone three jacking operations since November 2012, following extensive remediation work, excavation and construction of foundations at the assembly area located immediately adjacent to the power plant’s No 4 reactor. The final jacking operation was lifted on 24 October 2014.

The following stage will involve assembling the two halves of the confinement structure together, installing all the structure’s systems (ventilation, power supply and control-command), and then pushing the confinement structure over the current sarcophagus, planned for spring 2017. Following that, work on connecting the side walls of the arch and ensuring their tightness will take place in order to fully isolate the reactor from the outside environment. Delivery is scheduled for November 2017. This will create the conditions for dismantling the No 4 reactor sarcophagus in complete safety.

This exceptional project, the first of its kind, leverages the technical expertise and engineering creativity of two of the world’s construction industry majors. It is financed by the Chernobyl Shelter Fund, administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) involving 43 donor governments and organisations.


About Bouygues Construction
As a global player in construction and services, Bouygues Construction designs, builds and operates buildings and structures which improve the quality of people’s living and working environment: public and private buildings, transport infrastructures and energy and communications networks. A leader in sustainable construction, the Group and its 52,200 employees have a long-term commitment to helping their customers shape a better life. In 2013, Bouygues Construction generated sales of 11.1 billion Euros.

Bouygues Construction Press contact: Fabienne Bouloc
Tel: +33 1 30 60 28 05


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