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The first cornerstone is laid for the New Coastal Road dike on Reunion Island (France)

20. 12. 2013 - Baustellen - Frankreich

Today, Mr. Jean-Luc Marx, Prefect of Reunion Island, and Mr. Didier Robert, President of the Reunion Region, have laid the cornerstone that officially kicks off the construction of a dike and an interchange at La Possession as part of the New Coastal Road project, carried out by a consortium including Colas’ Reunion-based company GTOI, who is project leader (60%), SBTPC, a VINCI Construction Reunion Island subsidiary and VINCI Construction Terrassement.

The two work packages involve the construction of four sections of a 3,600 meter long, 6-lane causeway coastal road between La Grande-Chaloupe and La Possession as well as the construction of an interchange at La Possession. The roadway dike has been specially designed to withstand the physical constraints of coastal construction especially 100-year flood waves.

With a combined contract value of 530 million euros for the two packages, the project is scheduled for completion in 2018.

GTOI and SBTPC have joined forces on this project, providing an entirely ‘local’ response to this contract of exceptional scale, with VINCI Construction Terrassement bringing in their expertise in major earthworks projects.


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