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University of Paris VII (Diderot): VINCI appeals the Administrative Tribunal's decision

10. 07. 2013 - Events

On 2 July, the Paris Administrative Tribunal revoked the building permits of two of the four University of Paris VII (Diderot) buildings built by VINCI under a partnership agreement.

As a partner of the public authorities, and having completed a particularly complex operation without in any way departing from the University's programme or the applicable regulations, VINCI wishes to emphasise the following points.

First, the University programme provides that these two buildings should accommodate space for teaching on the one hand, and dedicated spaces for research and administrative services on the other.

The Administrative Tribunal's decision is based on the claim that the spaces dedicated to administration and research, to which access is limited and monitored by a badge system, are to be considered as premises accessible to the public and therefore are subject to the fire safety standards that apply to public buildings (Etablissement Recevant du Public - ERP).

This decision is surprising and unprecedented. Many of the university and public and private sector buildings that are classified as "ERP" public buildings are built and operated according to the principle that the same building can be used for distinct purposes.

Secondly, VINCI asserts that these buildings were constructed in accordance with the University's programme, in close partnership with the University administration and in compliance with the regulations and practice applying to university buildings. The building permits were issued by the Regional Prefecture on 28 April 2010.

VINCI complied with all the requirements contained in the opinions issued by the safety commission and appended to the building permits and amended building permits, as verified by the safety commission under the authority of the Paris Police Prefecture on 6 September 2012 prior to the opening of the facility to students at the start of the 2012 school year.

Lastly, the criticism of the project voiced in the press is in fact based on misdirected hostility to public private partnerships (PPP) and is made in bad faith. The methods used in the construction of the two buildings affected by the Tribunal's decision would have been the same whatever the ownership structure - public or public private partnership - as the reality of many other university buildings belonging to the University of Paris VII and others shows.

In light of these elements, VINCI announces its intention to appeal the decision, in order to obtain transparency and recognition that compliance with the contractual and regulatory provisions has been its consistent course of action. VINCI is of course available to work with the State authorities to examine the measures that will enable the university to continue to operate and ensure continuity of public service for the benefit of the students, researchers and staff of the University of Paris VII (Diderot).


Über uns
VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.