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A consortium with VINCI as leader, Ferrovial Agroman and Razel-Bec to build the Tokamak reactor building for the ITER project

17. 01. 2013 - Neuaufträge - Frankreich

A consortium, composed of subsidiaries of VINCI (58.3%) - VINCI Construction Grands Projets (Group Leader), Dodin Campenon Bernard (VINCI Construction), VINCI Construction France- , Ferrovial Agroman (30%) and Razel-Bec (11.7%) signed the contract with Fusion for Energy (F4E), the European Union’s organisation for Europe’s contribution to ITER, to build the Tokamak complex and to design and build nine auxiliary buildings at Cadarache, north of Aix-en-Provence in southern France. The contract is worth around €300 million and is expected to run for five and a half years.

The design studies will begin in April 2013 and the main civil engineering works in autumn 2013. The main building will house the Tokamak reactor, a 28 m-diameter cylinder, 29 m high and weighing 23,000 tonnes). With the two adjacent annexes, this will form a concrete structure 120 m long, 80m wide and 80m high.

The other auxiliary buildings comprise the Assembly building, a two-story Control Building and miscellaneous industrial buildings.

The contract also provides for several large (4m x 4m, 40 tonnes) anti-radiation, highly pressure-resistant nuclear doors, to be designed and built by a consortium comprising Cegelec (a subsidiary of VINCI Energies) and Sommer.

The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) project is a first-of-a-kind global collaboration in the field of energy. It will be the world's largest experimental fusion facility and is designed to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power.

Fusion research is aimed at developing a safe, limitless and environmentally responsible energy source. Europe will contribute almost half of the costs of its construction, while the other six Members to this joint international venture (China, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA), will contribute equally to the rest.

Fusion for Energy
Fusion for Energy (F4E) is the European Union’s organisation for Europe’s contribution to ITER.
One of the main tasks of F4E is to work together with European industry, SMEs and research
organisations to develop and provide a wide range of high technology components together with engineering, maintenance and support services for the ITER project.
F4E supports fusion R&D initiatives through the Broader Approach Agreement signed with Japan and prepares for the construction of demonstration fusion reactors (DEMO).
F4E was created by a decision of the Council of the European Union as an independent legal entity and was established in April 2007 for a period of 35 years.
Its offices are in Barcelona, Spain.
For F4E media enquiries contact:
Aris Apollonatos + 34 93 3201833 / + 34 649 179 429 (mob)

ITER is a first-of-a-kind global collaboration. It will be the world's largest experimental fusion facility and is designed to demonstrate the scientific and technological feasibility of fusion power.
Fusion is the process which powers the sun and the stars. When light atomic nuclei fuse together to form heavier ones, a large amount of energy is released. Fusion research is aimed at developing a safe, limitless and environmentally responsible energy source.
Europe will contribute almost half of the costs of its construction, while the other six Members to this joint international venture (China, Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the USA), will contribute equally to the rest.
The site of the ITER project is in Cadarache, in the South of France.


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VINCI ist als weltweit führendes Unternehmen in den Bereichen Konzessionen, Energie und Bau und beschäftigt 280.000 Mitarbeiter mit Präsenz in mehr als 120 Ländern. Zu unserem Leistungsspektrum gehören Planung, Finanzierung, Bau und Betrieb von Infrastrukturen und Einrichtungen, die zur Verbesserung des Alltags und der Mobilität der Menschen beitragen. Erfolg bedeutet für uns, dass die Gesamtleistung stimmt. Dazu zählt unser Engagement zugunsten der Umwelt sowie der sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Performance unserer Unternehmensbereiche. Da die Leistungen des Konzerns sich durch ihren Nutzen für die Allgemeinheit auszeichnen, betrachten wir den Dialog mit allen Beteiligten und ein offenes Ohr für deren Belange als unerlässliche Voraussetzung unserer Tätigkeit. Unsere Ambition ist es, für unsere Kunden, Aktionäre, Mitarbeiter, Partner und die gesamte Gesellschaft auf Dauer Wert zu schaffen.