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ENTREPOSE Contracting signs a draft agreement for the construction of a pipe line in Kasachstan

12. 10. 2009 - Neuaufträge - Kasachstan

Colombes, 7th October 2009: ENTREPOSE Contracting (ISIN FR0010204321), contractor specialised in the design and construction of turnkey projects in the oil, gas and energy sectors in general, announces the signing of a protocol by a consortium led by its subsidiary SPIECAPAG, for the opening of exclusive talks with the KazMunayGas (KMG) group with a view to supplying and laying an oil pipeline in Kazakhstan. The consortium consists of SPIECAPAG, Dunkirk-based companies and a Japanese group.

The construction of this new onshore pipeline is part of the exploitation – currently under development – of the giant Kashagan (Caspian Sea) offshore oilfield and the export of part of this field’s output to Europe via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (“BTC”) pipeline that runs between the Caspian and the Mediterranean via Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey.

This new pipeline will connect Eskene to the port of Kuryk via the currently operational Tengiz oilfield. It will consist of a main pipeline of 761 kilometres complete with 2 pumping stations, and lateral pipelines to transport the Tengiz oil field’s production.

If these technical and commercial negotiations are successful, the service provided by the teams from SPIECAPAG, a 100% subsidiary of ENTREPOSE Contracting that incorporates the Group’s oil and gas pipeline activities, would concern the construction of the main pipeline.

Dominique BOUVIER, ENTREPOSE Contracting’s Managing Director, says: “We are very proud of the signing of this protocol that now enables us to hold exclusive negotiations with KazMunayGas and further enhances SPIECAPAG’s positioning as a world leader in the laying of onshore pipelines.”

About ENTREPOSE Contracting (www.entrepose.fr):
ENTREPOSE Contracting is a group specialised in the design and construction of complex industrial projects in the oil, gas and energy sectors and shallow water operations. From creating transport and storage solutions to delivering turnkey projects, the Group is constantly developing its expertise in conceptual engineering, process design and contracting in sensitive environments. ENTREPOSE Contracting places particular emphasis on standards compliance in terms of Quality, Health & Safety and Environmental Management (QHSE accreditations), and possesses unique know-how enabling it to meet the most stringent requirements in terms of the highest performance levels.


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