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Hall of Mirrors at the Château de Versailles: International Scientific Council happy with advancing restoration works in south half of Hall

29. 06. 2006 - Neuaufträge - Frankreich

On 26 June 2006, for the second time this year, the Scientific Council reviewed the operations under way to restore the painted and sculpted décor of the Hall of Mirrors, this time within the framework of the second phase of the restoration project.

Council members unanimously approved:
- the way the restorers had made good various worn areas and gaps in the Hall's painted décor, some of it executed on canvas and the rest applied directly to the plaster of the ceiling;
- the work undertaken to consolidate and where necessary reconstitute the decorative stuccowork running round the base of the vaulted ceiling.

The Council warmly encouraged the team of restorers led by Cinzia Pasquali to continue their work on the pictorial reintegration of the ceiling paintings. Meanwhile, another team of restorers, working in parallel, will be tackling the task of regilding all the reconstituted sections of the stuccowork. This delicate operation will be undertaken using the techniques used in the 17th century, involving the application of gold leaf which will then be patinated to ensure it blends in with the surviving original gilding.

Work started on this first ever comprehensive restoration of the Hall of Mirrors in July 2004. It is being undertaken within the innovative framework of a skills-based sponsorship arrangement. VINCI is funding the works – 12 million euros – and making available to the project the expertise of Group firms specialising in the restoration of historic buildings.


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